Interregional nongovernmental organization “Volga-Caspian Commonwealth “THE GREAT VOLGA ROAD”, hereinafter the Interregional Organization, is a voluntary interregional nongovernmental organization conducting its activities on the territories of near-Volga and near-Caspian subjects of the Russian Federation, and in the case of the
opening of its structural branches – in other subjects of Russia and abroad.
The Interregional Organization in its activities abides by the norms of international law, laws of the Russian Federation, primarily the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the Interregional Organization, and principles of democracy, voluntariness, openness, equality, self-governance, and legality.
The headquarters of the Interregional Organization are situated in the city of Kazan, Russia.
- To fully assist in the strengthening of international humanitarian cooperation, intercultural dialogue and stability in one of the most strategically important regions of Eurasia – the VolgaCaspian region.
- To assist in implementing the goals and principles of the UN Charter; to assist in increasing the effectiveness of UN mechanisms on the basis of the adaptation to new global realities by directing efforts to the development of regional institutional forms of cooperation.
- To support the will of the peoples of Eurasia to act together and understand each other in the name of peace and cooperation.
- To assist in involving young people in the activities of the Interregional Organization and active participation in its programs, thus creating prerequisites for the future sustainable development of Eurasia.
- To organize wide discussions on the problems of intercultural dialogue and regional security in the context of new challenges and threats with the participation of scientific experts and various specialists, governmental and nongovernmental employees through presentations, conferences, roundtables, public lectures, expos, magazines, books, and mass media.
- International Forum “The Great Volga Road” must become an integrative medium of cooperation and popularization of the values of intercultural dialogue and integration of the Volga-Caspian region.
- To cooperate with international, regional, and national organizations who pursue the goals of the development of intercultural dialogue, peace and security.
- To hold educational and scientific events, to provide grant support of leading research in intercultural dialogue in the Volga-Caspian region and in the world, autonomously and in cooperation with other nongovernmental, educational, and scientific organizations.
- To conduct activities for the strengthening of intercultural dialogue, promotion of humanitarian links, mostly in science, culture, education, tourism, protection and preservation of cultural heritage in the Volga-Caspian region, autonomously and in cooperation with other nongovernmental, educational, and scientific organizations.
- To assist in uniting wide circles of society in the activities of the Interregional Organization.